Talks, workshops, networking, the IEEE Nordic SYP Congress is an international 3-day event for students and young professionals from all the Nordic and Baltic countries. The Nordic SYP Congress is a bi-annual event promoting the cooperation and sharing of ideas between the Nordic students, young professionals and women in engineering affinity groups and chapters.
This event gives you the unique opportunity to grow your global networks and to get new ideas, to bring to your own work within and outside IEEE. We will have some very interesting IEEE presentations, workshops, and team building activities to work in groups to get to know each other.
This years event is based on sustainability and engineering in a smarter, more efficient way.
Who can attend
All IEEE members/non-members from across the globe, who have an interest in the charter and activities of IEEE Young Professionals (YP) affinity groups, Women in Engineering (WIE) affinity groups, and IEEE Student Activities.
Stockholm is the biggest Nordic city, and capital of Sweden. From Anders Celsius and the temperature scale that bears his name, to Nils Bohlin and his 3 point safety belt that he gave freely to all automotive manufacturers, the impact of great Swedish engineers on driving society forward through engineering cannot be understated.
Participants can walk in the steps of great engineers of the past through the quaint winding streets of “gamla stan”, towards the majestic castle housing the Swedish king. The organizing committee cannot guarantee a traditional Swedish fika with the king, but can promise the lively discussions will be undertaken in the shadows of engineering greats from the past in a city steeped in history. Our base in Stockholm will be the prestigious KTH University.
Helsinki is the capital city of Finland. Helsinki was the World Design Capital for 2012, the venue for the 1952 Summer Olympics, and the host of the 52nd Eurovision Song Contest. Helsinki has one of the highest urban standards of living in the world.
In 2011, the British magazine Monocle ranked Helsinki the world’s most liveable city in its liveable cities index. In the Economist Intelligence Unit’s 2016 liveability survey, Helsinki was ranked ninth among 140 cities. Our base in Helsinki will be the prestigious Aalto University.
Day 1
Check in/Registration
Attendees board the cruise in Stockholm and registration takes place. Unfortunately we have now sold out all our 3 day conference tickets, but there are a number of single day tickets available.
Welcome address
The hosts will welcome attendees to the Nordic SYP. We will explain why we decided to host the SYP, what convinced us to join forces and co-host the event, why sustainability and why the event means so much to us.
Sweden section chair welcome
We would not be able to host the Nordic SYP without the support and help of our two wonderful section chairs. This will be a brief welcome to attendees from one of the guys who made this happen.
Student Activities Committee introduction
The next welcome of the day comes from another of the entities to whom NSYP19 is indebted. SAC has been an enormous help throughout the entire planning process and we would not be having a SYP without them. This talk will be given by IEEE Region 8 Vice-Chair and R8 SAC Chair Maciej Borówka.
Student Activities Committee talk
This will be a talk given by Maciej and another member of SAC. The topic will be based around how we can attract new members to join IEEE student branches, and how to keep them active and interested in the branch.
Young Professionals introduction
The final group that has been an ever present and guiding hand throughout the organization of NSYP19 is the Young Professionals. Again, we have been lucky to have incredibly talented, dedicated and driven representatives from YP helping us with all our meetings and always available for help and advice. The YP talks will be given by YP Chair, international, Flavia Dinca; past chair of YP international Rafal Sliz; and past chair of YP R8 and one of the amazing people who have gone above and beyond to ensure the success of this SYP, Sara Barros.
Pub Quiz - IEEE Style!
The YP team gives an activity with a twist!
Dinner is served on the cruise. A dinner buffet will be provided to all attendees. The buffet menu is provided here, or you can even take a 360 degrees tour of the restaurant here. Afterwards everyone is free to explore the entertainment onboard the cruise.
Day 2
Breakfast is served! Breakfast is provided to all attendees. You can sit and sip on a coffee as the cruise arrives in Helsinki.
Cruise docks in Helsinki
At 10 o clock the cruise docks in Helsinki and attendees are transported to Aalto University. Research at Aalto focuses on Arctic technology, sustainable built environments, mechanics and materials, multidisciplinary energy technologies and systems design and production.
Introduction to YP Finland
Our gracious host Jenni will welcome everyone to Finland, and give a brief overview of YP Finland, and the coming day's activities.
Introduction to IEEE Finland
The Chair of YP Finland will give a talk welcoming attendees to Finland and a brief background of IEEE Finland section.
Electric Vehicles - Benefits and Challenges
Dr. Mahdi Pourakbari-Kasmaei will give a talk about electric vehicles. Statistics show that the number of electric vehicles (EVs) is increasing exponentially. This is a very positive move and beneficial action toward mitigating the carbon emission, and from this standpoint, it enhances the social welfare. However, to satisfy the charging demands of electric vehicles, fast and ultra-fast charging points should be deployed in distribution level of power system. How strong is our conventional power system to withstand such changes? How to deal with the probable bottlenecks of the system? In this speech, we particularly answer the aforementioned question and cover the existing and upcoming challenges and benefits of EVs. Read more about the event here.
Lunch will be provided to attendees.
Sandvik - Electrification & digitalization of underground mining.
This talk will be given by our congress co-host and co-organizer Jenni Rekola. Sandvik is world-leading company producing underground and surface mining machines. The mining process efficiency needs to be improved in the future, because the mines are located in more difficult places, far away from the infrastructure and very deep underground. The need of rare earth metal will increase in the future due to dramatically increased need of batteries.
"Eaton: Energy efficiency improvements of UPS"
Joel Kärkkäinen and Rebeccah Kimotho gives a talk about Eaton's innovations related to improving the energy efficiency and reliability of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). Read more about the event here.
Dmitry Petrov: "Nokia: Digitalization and AI to improve energy efficiency"
Dr. Petrov gives a talk about how Nokia use Digitalization and AI to improve energy efficiency. Nokia has a key role in the creation of Smart Grids and Micro Grids. Efficient real-time data transfer is crucial to enable reliable and high-efficient power delivery in the future. Read more about the event here.
Panel discussion
Details to be announced soon.
Travel back to cruise
Attendees are transported back to the cruise, and we set sail for Stockholm.
Ana Cigarán Romero: "WIE: Women Engineers and Equality"
Ana Cigarán Romero gives a talk that will be based on women engineers and equality. Whereas in 2019 the world is freer and fairer than ever before, there are still many human rights challenges that are limiting our daily lives and one of those is inequality between men and women. According to the World Economic Forum, if the present scenario continues, it will take around 170 years to reach equality. This talk will address some current issues and challenges faced today. The talk will also address some of the ideas and projects considered by the IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering Sub Committee. Read more about the event here.
Membership Development
We are lucky to have not just one, but two fantastic speakers from membership development. The talk entitled “Benefits of IEEE membership and IEEE Student branch and chapters: benefits and structure” will be given by Ievgen Pichkalov and Dr. Andrejs Romānovs. This particular conference is based on sustainability and if we are to improve our engineering solutions; be smarter, more efficient, design better; then we need to keep recruiting the brightest and best engineers and this talk will outline some of the steps and strategies used to accomplish this.
Top secret activity
Is it an ice-breaker? Networking opportunity? Discussion? Who knows!
Gala dinner
A networking event not to be missed. Everyone is invited to the Gala dinner to mingle, network, and of course tuck into this years gala dinner.
Day 3
Breakfast onboard the cruise and this time you can sip your coffee as the cruise arrives into Stockholm.
Cruise arrives in Stockholm
We say goodbye to the cruiseship "Symphony" and make our way to Stockholm for the third day of the congress.
Introduction to YP Sweden
Our other gracious host Gerard will welcome everyone to Sweden, and give a brief overview of YP Sweden, and the coming day's activities.
Volvo Cars "A vision of the future"
We are delighted to announce that Waled Elsayed from Volvo Cars will be giving a talk called "A vision of the future" at NSYP19. As a human-centric car company, Volvo Cars are a brand for people who care about other people and the world in which we live. This is at the core of their business and of approach to sustainability. Volvos commitment is about re-thinking sustainability, and goes beyond their operations and cars, and into society.
KTH - Extreme Environment Electronics for Venus
Carl-Mikael Zetterling, a professor in solid state electronics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, has agreed to speak at NSYP19. His talk entitled “Extreme Environment Electronics for Venus” will focus on research to develop electronics that can withstand harsh environments. The electronics are based on silicon carbide, a semiconducting material that can withstand the extremely harsh climate on Venus.
WIE Sweden section
The WIE Sweden section will be giving a talk on the challenges and problems facing WIE chapters throughout R8. The talk will highlight some of the obstacles faced by WIE chapter today and how they have tried to overcome them. The WIE Sweden section played a big part in organizing the inaugural NSYP in 2015, and it is heartwarming to see their continued support of the event.
Lunch will be provided to attendees.
Reduced GHG-emissions through electrification of agriculture
Dr. El Houssein Chouaib Harik will be speaking at NSYP19 giving a talk entitled “Reduced GHG-emissions through electrification of agriculture”. In this presentation we deal with the ongoing research at the Center for Precision Agriculture aimed at reducing the use of fossil fuels in agriculture. We address the concept of innovative technical solutions and methodologies applicable at farm level.
Securing the internet of things with AI
We are proud to announce that Celestine Iwendi will speak at NSYP19. Celestine Iwendi is an Associate Professor in China, a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE, a board member of IEEE Sweden, a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of The Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom. “Securing the Internet of Intelligent of Things using Ai (INTRIXIT)”. Cybersecurity and hardware security have become the fundamental threats for major businesses today. Increasing attack includes substandard attacks, such as phishing, and on a larger scale sophisticated Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks.
DNV - GL Energy Transition Outlook
We are pleased to announce that Ambra Sannino has agreed to speak at NSYP19. The talk called “The power grid in 2050” will focus on Ambra’s work at DNV-GL, and their recently published Energy Transition Outlook, ETO, report for 2019. The ETO is DNV GL’s view on the energy future through to 2050 modeling 10 regions and the impact on 3 industry sectors. It is a forecast of the most likely path ahead.
It is close to impossible to visit Sweden without experiencing a Swedish fika and this conference will be no different!
Gustav Frid will be giving a talk about sustainability and Vattenfall. More details about this talk will be announced shortly. Vattenfall’s purpose is to Power Climate Smarter Living and enable fossil free living within one generation. The purpose provides a clear direction for their strategy and operations, where sustainability considerations are fully integrated. Vattenfall’s strategy reflects the UN Sustainable Development goals and six of these goals have been identified as most relevant to the company and to which Vattenfall can provide the most meaningful global contribution.
Pressing challenges and opportunities that can be found at the intersection of engineering and sustainability
Ruben DeMoor of KPMG will speak at the Nordic SYP. Ruben helps his clients connect the dots between science/technology and business, with a focus on life sciences projects. I am also involved in a few start-ups, ranging from biofuels to IT. The talk entitled “The most pressing challenges and opportunities that can be found at the intersection of engineering and sustainability” is an appropriate final talk for our congress. Hopefully by 15:45 on Sunday afternoon we will have learned about the challenges, models, techniques and different attempts to improve sustainability in companies ranging from start-ups to well established. We will have had academic views, and heard many different views from attendees and this talk will be a good summary of the challenges faced by engineers in the pursuit of improving sustainability in our solutions.
Panel Discussion
Details to be announced soon.
Closing ceremony
We draw this years event to a close, give our prizes for the competitions during the event, and of course make time for the customary selfie!
Explore Stockholm
Attendees are free to explore Stockholm before retiring for the night in accommodation in Stockholm.