We are proud and honored to announce that the Region 8 chair for Women In Engineering will be giving a talk at NSYP19. We are delighted Ana Cigarán Romero agreed to be a part of our event and cannot wait for her talk entitled “Women Engineers and Equality”.

The talk will be based on the women engineers and equality. Whereas in 2019 the world is freer and fairer than ever before, there are still many human rights challenges that are limiting our daily lives and one of those is inequality between men and women. According to the World Economic Forum, if the present scenario continues, it will take around 170 years to reach equality. This talk will address some current issues and will focus on a number of aspects:

  • How to transform challenges into opportunities as a women engineer in the career.
  • The visibility problem of women engineers.
  • In a world where rights and opportunities for women and men are equal from a legal point of view – why is there such a low number of women engineers and women in top management positions?

The talk will also address some of the ideas and projects considered by the IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering Sub Committee.

Ana Cigarán Romero has worked at 50Hertz, the Transmission System Operator (TSO) in North-Eastern Germany, as an expert for European inter-TSO cooperation principles for system operation since 2011.

She has actively participated in the development of the Regional Group Continental Europe Operation Handbook, the ENTSO-E System Operation Network Codes and the conception of inter-TSO system security processes within ENTSO-E and within the Regional Security Coordinators TSCNET and Coreso.

Ana has held a number of high profile IEEE roles since 2015, and has vast industry experience. Her talk at NSYP19 is a talk not to be missed.