Day 2 packed with sessions and workshops

Day 2 of the congress was marked by sessions and workshops focused on IEEE student, young professional and women in engineering activities. Among other speakers from R8 SAC, YP team, Martin Bastiaans, Past IEEE R8 Director was present and gave an interesting talk on “IEEE Inside.”

The evening was marked with multi-cultural dinner where each participant represented their home culture, combined with music and dances.

Focus on soft skills…

Among the sessions and talks was an introduction to Student Activities and Young Professionals By Dinko Jakovljevic and Flavia Dinca, a workshop on improving your community educational resources with IEEE Academic By Rui Costa, Founder of IEEE Academic.

After Fika – the traditional Swedish coffee break – reflections from IEEE Sweden Section Activities was given by Nasim Farahini (WIE), Alberto (YP), and Samarth Deo (SAC). “Why IEEE & Career within IEEE?” was discussed by Rafal Sliz, MGA Young Professionals Vice-Chair.

Improving Communication and Self-Management Skills was presented by Flavia Dinca, R8 YP Chair, followed by an overview on IEEE Inside By Martin Bastiaans, R8 Past-Director. Discussions on how to keep your Student Activities pumped up and strong followed, chaired by Dinko Jakovljevic, R8 SAC Member.

Round table meeting of Nordic & Baltic Section chairs

The remainder of the day was run on parallel. A roundtable meeting of Nordic & Baltic Section Chairs – hosted by Mats Edvinsson – was run in parallel with continued workshops and sessions focused on students and newly graduated engineers in the first phase of career development.

Student Afterlife – Young Professionals, a session given by Sara Barros, R8 YP, was followed by an overview of IEEE Professional Activities Available for volunteers By Shashank Gaur, R8 PAC Member.

The days sessions were finished with an informative talk on Women In Engineering By Simay Akar, R8 WIE Chair.

The second day was completed with a Multicultural Buffet Dinner for all attendees.