Industry and academia representatives in panel discussion

The third day of the event started with a very interesting panel session on – “Engineering Network and Innovative Ecosystem”, which had panelists from industry and academia, and was moderated by Mats Edvinsson, chair of IEEE sweden section at the time.

The participants not only enjoyed, but also participated actively in the discussions. It continued with a photo-session, a quiz session on IEEE and a feedback session.

The event was rounded up with a Nordic-SYP Participants Contest, Idea Exchange Session, and Prize Distribution and Vote of Thanks.

And thus concluded the inaugural Nordic SYP. IEEE members from all across the Scandinavian and Baltic countries assembled to share ideas and foster cooperation between the respective international chapters. The event was a resounding success and it was agreed to make it a bi annual event.

After a spot of sightseeing participants packed their bags and returned home, with focus turned towards implementing the ideas and plans made during the conference, and looking forward to Lithuania 2017.